Alex Jeppson
Wedding Education Director
When I was about 5, I remember attending a calligraphy class that my mom was taking. I had to sit and be quiet as my mom learned the new skill of calligraphy. It was amazing to me that my mom, who knew everything at that point in my life (oh, and she still totally does know everything!), was learning something new. That memory really has stuck with me as I became an adult. As I was acting my way through high school, I discovered stage management. I had an inspiring high school theatre teacher who let me take the reins and manage several productions. I had felt like at that point I had found my calling in life, managing live events! The organization and scheduling of stage management made a lot of sense to my type A brain.
In college, I also continued my study in stage management at Brigham Young University-Idaho. While I was there, I was given a lot of opportunities to manage productions and events that stretched me. I knew live events was the right path for me.
As friends started to get married around me, I branched into working on weddings as a live event. In that time, I really loved combining my love for beautiful things with managing. And so bloomed my work as a wedding planner and coordinator.
After graduating with my bachelors degree, I decided I still wanted to keep learning, so I accepted a scholarship to University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music as a Stage Management Graduate Student.This was a pivotal time in my education as I dived into learning about live events management at a more advanced level.
While in Cincinnati, I worked at a wedding venue as a venue and wedding coordinator at a high-end, downtown events space. My love for and knowledge of weddings continued to grow from this position!
With my graduate degree in hand, my love for learning and education didn’t stop there! I spent a year and a half at my undergrad as an adjunct professor in stage and theatre management. This gave me new life as I was able to instill the love for learning in others.
As luck would have it, I met my future husband and we moved to Salt Lake City in search of more opportunities. Here in Salt Lake, I expanded my education in various jobs like front-of-house and artist management, smaller wedding venue coordination, and a plethora of other positions. But my knowledge of the wedding and events industry continued to grow.
After having my first baby in 2020, I left full time work to have the ability to stay home with my daughter. This gave me the freedom to pursue weddings more purposefully! Partnering with Creating Life Moments as their Wedding Education Director has not only filled my time with weddings, but also continuing to teach and educate others.